A single nod of hers

A single nod of hers incited so much assurance; that
the entire river of promises lingering on this earth;
unitedly failed to evoke,
A single sketch of hers inspired so much artistry;
that the entire flurry of manipulatively greedy
artists on this earth; unitedly failed to evoke,
A single ingredient of her blood motivated so much
life; that the entire jungle of austere antibiotic and
balm on this earth; unitedly failed to evoke,
A single cheek of hers stimulated so much
enthrallment; that the entire blanket of the mystical
valley on this earth; unitedly failed to evoke,
A single palm of hers radiated so much compassion;
that the entire process of contemporarily fast healing
on this earth; unitedly failed to evoke,
A single soul of hers fulminated so much yearning;
that the entire valley of stupendously charismatic
gifts on this earth; unitedly failed to evoke,
A single breath of hers spurred so much tenacity;
that the entire fortress of doctors; nurses; patriots;
on this earth; unitedly failed to evoke,
And a single heartbeat of hers inflamed so much love
in my impoverished life; that the entire meadow of
countless opulence; wealth; and belonging on this
earth; unitedly failed to evoke….

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